Spandau Ballet's first gig in 20 years and the first night of the tour. Nerves were on edge and there were a few glitches during the sound check, but the gig went really well and it was like they never went away.
Universal asked me to shoot the gig for the cover and back of the live DVD they were recording that night too.
Live music shoots are very difficult for a few reasons; you have no control over the most important element, light, there isn't enough of it to freeze the action, it's rarely in the right place when you want it, it changes constantly, both in intensity and colour, and the band keep moving!
Having said that, it's great fun and I love a challenge.
This is my favorite shot of the night. Someone had thrown an Arsenal flag onstage and Tony Hadley had just held it up. The crowd booed and Martin Kemp turned and laughed, while walking to the back of the stage. Just at that moment the lights lit up the audience and I got this.