Only 2 weeks ago I mentioned that I had 2 magazine covers on the newstands at the same time and said I'd have to go for the hat trick! Little did I know that I'd skip 3 and go straight for 4!
Well, it's a bit of a cheat really. Hot Press have issued 4 versions of the same issue with 4 different covers. Each one is a finalist in Guinness's Our Thursday (Arthur's Day, get it) They are flip covers too, which means there is a cover on the back of the main cover.
It was a very busy day, we shot all the bands in my studio and they did their interviews here too, so at one point I think there was about 20 people here. Normally it's very quiet and serene here, not that day.
Hot Press wanted various cover options which meant I had 25 different set ups to shoot. With and without instruments, white background & gold background, singer on their own (with and without instrument), singer with band and more!
Very tiring, and hard to remember if I'd shot all the variations, but I tried to keep the same energy for the last set up as I did for the first, otherwise it wouldn't be fair on the last band (bet you can't tell which one I shot last). I had an early night that night.
Who's on the main front cover? My very best friends The Script.
Who shot it? Not me.
Did I say my very best friends? I meant my very ex best friends!